Fight for what you believe.
The most and challenging war that the Israelites ever faced was with one man! Strong as they are and powerful as they were but that man kept them under siege for forty days and nights! Nevertheless, all those were in the war were frightening, old and redundant until God raised His Beloved to fight for them. While in your youth fight what you believe in, so that in your adulthood what you believed in will fight for you. After David defeating Goliath, there was no fight He lost or He was defeated in. If we don't fight and defeat the Goliath of poverty, depression, anxiety and sickness in your youth, we will live under the mercy of our Goliath's. However, if we defeat Him in our youth we will live victorious life's in our adult and old age just like David who lived in Jerusalem the house of peace!Then David ran over and pulled Goliath’s sword from its sheath. David used it to kill him and cut off his head.
(1 Samuel 17:51)