Tuesday Message.

 Honor God with in your youth.

Series: Youth 

There is nothing painful as regrets, and most of lives regrets are blamed on the youthful life of bthe person. Most decisions that are affecting people's lives are most taken while they were youth! Being. A youth comes with a lot of excitements and expectations, however in all that the youth need to be grounded in Christ so that deception may not take advantage of them. A child can be tamed by parents and an adults can be tamed by circumstances but it is in being a youth where a person experiences freedom! For life to be pleasant in your old age depends on the decisions we take while in being youth. If we honor God in our youth, He shall honor us in out old age. 

[ Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”

(Ecclesiastes 12:1) 


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