Taking back what is Ours.
Reconciliation is a process of bringing peace and harmony; it is the ending of strife and animosity. Here in this series Reconciliation we will be emphasising the fact that the end of estrangement and separation between humankind and God has been established through the process of atonement that Jesus Christ did for us. \
Through Jesus Christ we are able to obtain what is ours back, our is health, wealth and eternal life. Eternal life is Zoe life, which means the life of God. The intention of God for us was and is to live His life on earth, as from the beginning He made us according to His Image and after His character, attitude and attributes (Gen 1:26). Giving back what is ours, is what God is doing and all about.
What is our was taken from us, when Adam and Eve fell in Sin. From then we became the opposite of all that God is, we went from good to evil, from decent to immoral, sinful to sinless. We desired to do what was good and right but we couldn't because Adam and Eve sold us under the power of Sin. We were slaves of Sin and we lived a miserable lives filled with hatred, sufferings and agony. Sin ushered us to the deepest darkness where we couldn't find A Way Out.
Nevertheless, the Old Testament was not the legitimate answer that God provided but it was prophecy, predictions and declaration made in advance. Sadly, God was playing a sketch and making predictions with people's lives and all things He did with and through them they were serving as examples for us. The Old Testament was written down to warn us who now live at the end of the age (1 Cor 10:11). If the Will doesn't please the person who made it, the person has rights to amend it or change it. Just as God am-mend and change the Old Testament to New Testament, because the Old Testament couldn't reconcile us back to the Life God intended for us to live, therefore it was set aside because it was also weak and useless (Heb 7:18).
Disgrace and shame were upon us before our mediator Jesus Christ came to the world. As shame and disgrace were the result of Adam and Eve's Sin, just after disobeying God they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness (Gen 3:7). God predicted that the first thing He would do is to cover our nakedness, because we were exposed to all that can harm, kill and destroy us. The grace of God came to reconcile us back to Him and to take back what is our, because the nakedness we have been exposed to brought separation between us and God.
When the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife, to cover their nakedness (Gen 3:21). He prophesied our Reconciliation with Him, that His Grace will cover our sins and shame. Because God made skin to clothe them with an animal that knew no sin for those that sinned. Jesus Christ was a blameless Lamb that died for them that sinned. Therefore now we need to clothe ourselves with His character and lifestyle to be reconciled with God.
[Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.]
(Rom 13:14)